Summer Sweets RE:Defined

Jessica Thomas Re:Defined
Summer Sweets RE:Defined

I know you're going to love these RE:Defined summer sweets, but first I want you to know why I recommend upgrading. I am sharing some of my favorite cold summer sweet treats with you below. 

First, I want you to know why you want to keep the sweetness and ditch the high sugar and dairy.

Sugar and dairy are known culprits for so many more problems and symptoms we experience and hate, more than just weight gain. The impact sugar and dairy have on our health and hormones is so disturbing. Thankfully there are so many healthier options to still enjoy summer treats without creating hormonal imbalances. 

Sugar’s Impact on Your Hormones

Do you have cravings? 

1.Think about what you crave and when you crave it? (Daily, monthly, passing a certain place, before your period starts, or at a certain time of day, lack of sleep, high stress?) 

2. What do you do when you have a craving? (Wait, let it pass, give in every time, enjoy a healthy upgrade, enjoy a little bit,...

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Cardio Q&A - Hormones Re:Defined How Does This Happen


This Cardio Q&A is 29 minutes (steady pace, 3 sprints, steady pace) 

I will be on the treadmill, but you can do whatever form of cardio you enjoy or are able to do. You do not have to watch me for this video. The bike, run outside, elliptical, cardio drills, jump rope, run the stairs, etc. 

 We get to workout. Working out is a privilege. 

Let us never take the ability to take care of ourselves for granted. I want you to enjoy moving your body. 

Hormones can RUIN our life if they are out of balance. They can happen slowly over time or they can happen after one event (having a baby, turning 35, a death, remodel, stressful situation, divorce, financial problems, etc.) 

I am so glad you are here because it can be so hard to figure out what is out of balance and to know what to do to fix the root problem instead of masking the symptoms. I want you to know that essential nutrients, vital lifestyle changes, the right supplements, and appropriate workouts...

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